Memories With Waggs!

Memories With Waggs will be updated soon!

This is Cross Country Camp at Poe Valley State Park, August , Mid 1970’s.  Camp back then meant sleeping in a tent and eating in shifts from a two burner Coleman stove.  That year Har had read that de-fizzed coke was an excellent replacement drink during long runs.  I was running with the team that day on a ten miler, and there was Har at the 5 mile mark with cups of the miracle drink waiting for everyone. We all gulped it down and continued on our way.  15 minutes later we were all throwing up on the side of the road.  That was the last we heard of de-fizzed coke and it did not go down as one of Har’s shinning moments.
Waggs / April 23, 2020
This photo is 2 or more hours after the race until we were officially declared meet champions.  A screwup in the recording of the finishers in the meet originally gave the meet to Manheim Township.  When they realized this was incorrect they got the coaches together to review a video of the finish and the correct results were then recorded. Although videos by fans are not to be used for official results the league officials overruled this.
Waggs / April 21, 2020
Wagg’s 1998 Squad
Championship Trophies!
Meeting of the minds!